Taiyaki, the perfect afternoon pick-me-up

Nothing gets me through the post-meeting naptime afternoon slump like a cup of lousy office joe and a fish-shaped pastry.  This one’s a tayaki, a cake filled with bean paste.  I picked it up at Porter Square’s Kotobukiya market.

Fluid dynamics and coffee shop aesthetics

The air at street level was crisp but still.  At higher altitudes, something was definitely happening. It looks almost calligraphic, and reminds me a bit of the yud-shaped building at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco. It also reminds me that...

Not for everybody

Don’t you love it when over-caffeinated people get into screaming matches over how they think coffee should be served? As long as its not happening in front of me in line, I consider it a form of reality TV – it just serves to reaffirm that whatever my...

Extraordinary hummus at Andala coffee house

I’ve mentioned this place in passing before, but after spending a couple of hours there the other night, I felt I really needed to write about it in detail, and declare my belief (and this is bound to generate controversy) that Andala serves up the best hummus...

Apple Time Capsule Keeps My Coffee Warm

Well, that’s only part of a long techno-story developing on my desk. But it’s true. I raved about the Time Capsule in one of my last Ipswitch blog posts, and now I actually own one. It delivers on all its cool features, at least the ones I’ve tried...