Photo Matching Fail

I’ve walked by this advert for a tanning salon countless times, and each time I got a vaguely uncomfortable feeling and quickened my pace. I recently took the time to stare down my fear and figure out just what’s wrong with this advert. Do you see it? The...

Spammy babka even worse than the cinnamon kind

Nobody likes spam, but when it suddenly comes from a business that you like(d), it feels like a personal betrayal.  Check out this steaming pile of comment spam by Green’s Bakery, maker of my most favorite chocolate babka. I don’t know what’s the...

Fathers day phone near fail with eBay T-Mobile

Dad wanted a phone “with a camera and internet and keys that aren’t too small to see”, so for Fathers’ Day I picked one up, a 3G flip phone from a major manufacturer with T-Mobile’s mobile web thing.  What dad wanted most was to be able...

I'd like a nice glass of light, please

We got this spiffy new fridge at the office months ago, and every time I went to get water through the door, I had to  pause for a moment.  I finally figured out why.  Look at this: The spout on the left dispenses ice, and you can select ice particles or ice wedges. ...