Total Lunacy

During last night’s lunar eclipse, just a few minutes before totality, an airplane passed by. Once the sky was clear of interruption, you could clearly see Saturn (left) and Regulus (above) near the moon. The moon, basking in the reddish light of earth’s...

Churros y Chocolate / Ноча на Нева

Thanks for the kind feedback on the night shots. I looked back in the archive because I was sure I had more, but found few. Here’s a minor mashup of Spain in 2007 and St. Petersburg in 2003. Bet you can guess which is which, but can you guess who had better ice...

Viva Europa

I got the film back from the 36 hours of relaxation I managed to squeeze out of the tail end of an otherwise grim business trip to Cannes. I’m really enjoying the inky blackness of shooting Tri-X at night, hand-held, underexposed and not even pushed....