Man bites Trolley

Well, not exactly, but in the old saying about man bites dog being news, last Friday the estimable RunKeeper team put on a PR stunt / stupid human trick / arch critique of Boston public transit in which some guys raced a Green line trolley for four miles or so....

Which kind of PR do you want?

If you’ve been following @tangyslice (and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for, an engraved invitation?) you may have noticed that he’s back and tangier than ever.  For a while there he was spending many long hours a day comforting a screaming...

How to annoy a pitching PR firm

Last week, I posted a bit of my side of Tangyslice’s story of Firstgiving’s selection of a new PR firm, and promised to talk about the thing we did that caused the most trauma to the folks pitching us. It’s hardly unique to PR that the people who...

Beware of web 2.0 people bearing printouts

Perhaps you’ve been following Tangyslice’s series on Selecting a Web 2.0 PR Agency. Part one is here. [update: part III just published!] Upon return from a recent trip to London, Tangy brought me a gag gift, a 147-page, glossy, perfect bound guide to...