A random waddle

Sometimes I get excited about small things.  Some would say that’s the point of this blog.  Others would say, “that’s what she said.”  Today’s little fixation is the Random Redirect WordPress Plugin by Matt Mullenweg. I have implemented...

Possibly related classroom projects

Preparing to leave San Francisco’s foggy embrace, I’m thinking about the work week ahead and which of the many open threads to needle first. One thing that came up last week was a twitter message from someone at Social Actions Labs, inviting me to test out...

I want my hour back, and my $3.19 too.

It turns out that Daylight Saving (not Savings) Time is a bust. I had always suspected that it was more trouble than it was worth, but now, via the biggest Indian in Indiana, comes hard-hitting research that proves that DST costs us three bucks a year in extra heating...

Something may have gone sproing in here

I’m seeing intermittent errors when posting comments. Please help me troubleshoot. Please try to comment on this post and include your browser and OS in the comment text. If you try to comment and fail, please email me at dkarp at limeduck dot com. Thanks for...